Shared Use

BWA recognises the importance of encouraging active travel, and hence the need to make routes in the city attractive for both walking and cycling.  This can lead to proposals for the sharing of routes between cyclists and pedestrians. For example, see Bristol City Council’s policy on Shared Use Routes.

BWA’s stance on this is as follows:

In transport policy1, the guiding principle for the design of transport schemes is that walking is top priority and cycling second priority.

Where ‘shared use’ routes for pedestrians and cyclists are proposed, or where a new cycling route is planned, the aim should be, at the very least, to do no harm to the walking environment and, hopefully, to improve it2. Shared use should only be implemented after considering the impact on levels of use by walkers and by users with health conditions or impairments, and perceptions of walking safety, and exploring other alternatives, including reallocating space from motor traffic.

Shared use routes should be wide enough to allow a comfortable distance between passing cyclists and pedestrians.

  1. West of England Joint Local Transport Plan 3 2011-26 paragraph 7.5.2; Bristol Core Strategy 2011 page 82, Bristol. Environmental Access Standards Oct 2011. P57 -65 relating to open space
  2. Department for Transport. City Deals – Guidance on Applications for Cycle City Ambition Grants. February 2013, page 6
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