Space for walking

Our streets are not always welcoming, safe, convenient and inclusive for walkers, and changes in street design could make all the difference.

We are looking for:


wider pavements
improved crossing-points

road crossings

continuous footways at side junctions
pavement build-outs
informal crossing-points
narrower crossings or more time to cross

When highways are designed, walking can be a neglected transport mode. But streets need to be welcoming and safe for walkers. We lobby policy makers, transport planners and urban designers to ensure the walking voice is heard alongside the other transport modes. Examples of ways of improving the walking environment can be found on Bristol’s Traffic Choices website. See for instance articles on footway widening, road narrowing, and humped and narrowed-crossings. Another example is side road crossings, where continuous footways would help. The design of routes shared between cyclists and pedestrians needs to balance the needs of both modes – see BWA’s statement and the recent Council consultation.

Help us redress the balance. If you are on the BWA mailing list, we will tell you about major infrastructure projects when they go out to consultation, so you can speak up for the pedestrian voice.

Tell us about the places and routes in Bristol where more space for walking is needed. Maybe a heavily-used route for walking to work. Or a key route to your neighbourhood centre.

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