Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

A draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) document went to public consultation in February/March 2020. It consists of 27 walking schemes and 24 cycling schemes across the West of England sub-region, each with a list of proposed street interventions. It is a document of the West of England Combined Authority (WECA). The aim is to list possible schemes for future funding. Most of the chosen walking routes are routes to local town centres.

Bristol Walking Alliance has submitted its response to the consultation

The main points are:

  • We applaud the attempt to identify specific walking schemes across Bristol for future investment. No previous plan has attempted to do this.
  • But we are disappointed that the document does not distinguish or prioritise the different kinds of potential improvements that could secure future funding. We think the larger possible investments should be distinguished from the many smaller general street improvements.
  • There are two significant omissions from the draft LCWIP:
    – Low Traffic (or ‘Liveable’) Neighbourhoods
    – potential walking schemes in the city centre, such as the Queen’s Road Triangle.

BWA has also submitted a few comments on individual schemes, but this is best left to individuals who live near the potential schemes.

The consultation is here. The full response is here.

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