Who we are
BWA is an alliance of organisations and individuals, and we welcome new supporters. Individuals can become supporters by subscribing to receive emails from us.
How we operate
Supporter meetings are held once or twice a year, usually with a single theme related to BWA’s aims, sometimes with a guest speaker. Meetings are open to all supporters. Notice of meetings is sent to everyone on BWA’s mailing list.
Once a year the meeting includes an AGM, with elections to an Executive Committee which oversees the running of BWA, in line with our constitution.
The Executive Committee meets every two months. If you have anything you would like to raise with the Executive Committee, you can contact us using our email address: .
We also hold occasional public meetings, subject to funding being available for a venue.
All supporters receive a BWA ebulletin of BWA event notices, information updates and invitations to participate in our campaigns.
Current BWA supporting organisations
Bristol Civic Society
an independent, voluntary organisation that exists to improve Bristol’s built environment and celebrate its heritage.
Bristol Dementia Action Alliance
increasing the awareness of dementia amongst the communities of Bristol.
Bristol Disability Equality Forum
an organisation of disabled people who live, work or study in the Bristol area.
Bristol Older People’s Forum
aims to ensure that every older person in the city is an equal, valued, participating member of the community.
Bristol Sight Loss Councils
made up of volunteers who themselves are blind or partially sighted. Members work to tackle local issues.
Bristol Ramblers
one of the largest walking groups in the country.
Living Streets Bristol
the Bristol branch of the national organisation campaigning on behalf of pedestrians. For more on Living Streets, including Living Streets’ work with schools in Bristol – see here.
North Bristol NHS Trust
the Trust has a long term commitment to sustainable and active travel, detailed in its Sustainable Development Management Plan, and award-winning Travel Plan.
Playing Out
supports anyone who wants children to be able to play freely outside their own front door.
is the national charity for road crash victims.
for everyone affected by sight loss.
a national charity based in Bristol, enabling people to choose healthier, cleaner and cheaper journeys.
is the Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments Health Integration Team which aims to turn Bristol into a healthier city, with built environments that help people to be more healthy.
Transport for Greater Bristol
TfGB is an alliance of campaign groups and individuals working together to improve the public transport in the Greater Bristol sub region.