20 More Applications for Advertising Units on Pavements

BWA has objected to 20 more planning applications for BT Street Hubs (large panels set in pavements with digital advertising signs on both sides). We objected to the previous 26 applications, made in 2022, which were concentrated in Bristol City Centre. In the end, the Council planners refused all of these applications. The latest applications […]

Pedestrian Crossing of Cycleways

BWA welcomes the introduction of segregated cycleways in new road schemes. But we would like to see a consistent approach to how pedestrian crossing points of cycleways are implemented. In recent plans for new road schemes in the city centre, some crossings are due have zebra markings, but some are not. We have submitted a

Draft Western Harbour Masterplan

Comments have been invited on the draft Western Harbour Masterplan by consultants who have drawn up the plan for Bristol City Council. In our response, BWA welcomes some aspects of the draft Masterplan including the reduction in redundant roads, a new footbridge, and better leisure routes.  But we are concerned that the pedestrian infrastructure is

Temple Meads Southern Gateway

BWA has responded to proposals for a Southern Gateway entrance to Temple Meads Station. This would provide car and cycle parking for station staff and users, but importantly would also allow a a more direct pedestrian route to the platforms for those approaching from the south. In BWA’s comments, we recommend changes that would make

Parking and Kerbside Strategy

Bristol Councillors are currently discussing a new Parking and Kerbside Strategy for the city. A Task and Finish Group of the Transport and Connectivity Policy Committee has started meeting to develop the strategy, supported by council officers. Rather than waiting until consultations on the strategy are held, BWA has submitted our initial input to the Task

Temple Island planning objection

BWA has put in an objection to the planning application (25/10013/P) for development of Temple Island. In our objection we point out that insufficient mitigation has been built into the plans to improving the pedestrian access along Bath Road. This is one of the worst pieces of pedestrian infrastructure in the city, with pedestrians, cyclists

Cycle Lane Legibility

Bristol City Council’s Transport and Connectivity Policy Committee is due to discuss a policy on Cycle Lane Legibility at its meeting on 20th March 2025. BWA offers our input to the development of this policy. Whilst having a consistent way of distinguishing cycle lanes by surface colour would be useful, there are other significant considerations

Western Harbour engagement 2024

BWA has responded to the latest engagement on the Western Harbour. This is the area around the Cumberland Basin which has been under debate since 2019. The latest suggestions are much more modest, particularly in proposed scale of housing and road reconfiguration. Comments at this stage will feed into a draft masterplan for the area,

Harbour Place Shaping Strategy

The Harbour Place Shaping Strategy (HPSS) aims to set out how Bristol Harbour will be developed over the next 20 years. It consists of a vision and a set of proposed plans for each part of the harbour between Cumberland Basin and Totterdown Basin. BWA has responded to a consultation on the proposed HPSS which

Pavement Licensing

Bristol City Council has been consulting on their proposed Pavement Licensing Policy, which sets out the conditions for the continuation of hospitality businesses to be able to put chairs, tables etc on the pavement. The key aspects of the Pavement Licensing Policy that affect pedestrians relate to ensuring that pavements remain wide enough for easy

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