Victoria Park and Northern Slopes consultation

The Bristol City Council Cycle Ambition Fund includes provision for creating a new radial cycle route called the Filwood Quietway. It is proposed to pass through Victoria Park and Northern Slopes, two green spaces used for recreation.

The Council have consulted on the route through Victoria Park before, when their proposal for a 4.5m wide delineated cycle route was rejected by local park users. The latest proposal for Victoria Park, and a new one for Northern Slopes, is that 3m wide shared use paths should be used.

BWA has submitted a comment emphasising that the primary use that these spaces are designed for – leisure, relaxation, and a relief from the urban environment – should not be compromised.

We believe that the wishes of local park users should carry more weight when detailed design decisions are made.

However, we have requested signage that communicates expected behaviour on shared use paths. Cyclists using them as a through route should be required to show consideration of park users by giving way to those who wish to use the park for recreation.

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