The 20mph scheme review involves consulting local councillors and residents “to examine how well 20mph is working in each area and assess whether there is anything that can be done better”. The review runs till 31st August. Whilst there seems to be no intention by the Council to significantly alter the scheme, there are 83 20mph roads and only 6 30mph roads up for review. The 20mph policy is unpopular with some drivers, and they will no doubt make their views known. If you want to keep your local roads at 20mph, you should respond to the review.
Action required
If you support 20mph, it is important that you respond to the consultation.
Find the survey at
Your local councillors will have a major say in the decisions made. As well as responding to the survey, you could contact your local councillors to give your view, especially if you think there is a 20mph street near you that is at risk of being changed back to a 30mph limit.
About the survey
The online survey considers specific roads and asks your opinion on the speed limit. As well as commenting on whether a speed limit should be changed, you can comment if traffic calming measures are needed to support a 20mph speed limit. And you can comment on a road that is not in the consultation list.
“Changes to speed limits (whether upwards or downwards) would only be considered where supported by evidence, made up of 3 aspects:
a) public opinion/perspective/experience
b) changes to roads/environments/landuse
c) speed data”.
The decision will be made in the context of the evaluation of the scheme undertaken at the University of the West of England (UWE). It estimated that at least four deaths, 11 serious injuries and 159 slight injuries per year have been prevented since the introduction of 20mph zones across Bristol. More people are walking in Bristol because it is safer, and perceived to be safer. This includes children walking to school.
The benefits of 20mph
Remember the benefits of 20mph schemes
HEALTH: Encourage more people to walk and cycle and increase mobility for children and older people.
SAFETY: Help reduce the rate and severity of injuries
COMMUNITY: Streets with lower traffic speed have higher levels of sociability and greater social cohesion.
More information at
A simple factsheet is available at libraries