Bedminster Friendly Shops Project

Bedminster Friendly Shops Project is aimed at local businesses to encourage and help them become more accessible, both as individual premises and in terms of the walkability of streets that link them.

The campaign so far has included a number of initiatives:

  • promotion of the project via local media and direct to businesses;
  • street issues: reporting issues, encouraging action by the BCC Enforcement Team, delivering letters on residential sheets, talking to shops on North Street about A-boards;
  • identifying a network of ‘key routes’;
  • an offer to help design access ramps to shops;
  • creating a group to offer advice on accessibility issues from different perspectives;
  • initiatives to improve the street scene, eg seating, planting, art;
  • toilets: contacting businesses to encourage them to join the community toilets scheme in time for updating the local Toilet Map.

Read more in the project’s interim report.


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