Author name: Roger Gimson

Whiteladies Road footpaths

There is currently a consultation on a proposed Whiteladies Road Flood Alleviation and Footpath Scheme. There is a need to address both the flooding problems and the uneven footway due to tree roots between the Tyndall’s Park Road junction and the Queen’s Road junction on Whiteladies Road. However, the proposed solution is likely to cause […]

Bedminster Green

Developments around Bedminster Green have been in prospect for some time. The latest installment has been the Bedminster Green River Restoration and Transport Consultation by Bristol City Council. BWA has responded with comments that generally welcome the proposed improvements along the Malago River. However, pedestrian routes don’t seem to have been given fair consideration in

Temple Street developments

Temple Street is part of a key pedestrian route linking Temple Meads to Finzel’s Reach. In the City Centre Framework consultation in March 2018 it was shown as a pedestrian priority area. However, as part of redevopment of the old Avon Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters, the road is proposed to remain as a vehicle/cycle

Top 10 sites for improvement

We were asked recently to list BWA’s top 10 sites for improvement. That is sites in Bristol where the pedestrian experience is poor (is not welcoming, safe, convenient and inclusive) and where changes to the infrastructure could improve things. In a recent ebulletin, we asked you to send in your suggestions. We are now publishing

26 More BT Street Hub Applications

BWA objected to the first three applications for BT Street Hubs (large dual-sided advertising signs with phones and wifi) made in 2021. Two were refused by the council and the third approved after being re-sited. Now a further 26 applications have been made at other sites across the city centre and along Gloucester Road. They

Moving Traffic Enforcement

BWA fully supports the proposals that Bristol City Council acquires powers to enforce moving traffic offences. This will allow the council to impose fines on motorists who make prohibited turns, pass no entry signs or go the wrong way on one-way streets. All of these movements create safety hazards for pedestrians. Six sites are proposed

50 Ways Progress Report 2022

A year on from first publication of our document 50 Ways to Better Walking in October 2021, we have taken a look at what has changed since. The 50 Ways Progress Report 2022 looks at each of the ten headings and each of the 50 items within them and gives a grade according to what

Survey of neighbourhood activities to improve walkability

Request for updates Ben Barker of BWA and Let’s Walk Bedminster is updating a survey of neighbourhood activities to improve walkability that was first circulated in November 2018.  It is an attempt to identify neighbourhood-based projects that are being led by local community organisations rather than, say, the police or Bristol City Council.  Its aim

Concorde Way early engagement

Concorde Way provides an important, mostly off-road walking and cycling route connecting Bristol city centre with the northern fringe for travel to work, school, shopping and leisure. Pedestrians use all sections of the route, usually for shorter journeys. Bristol City Council has asked for early engagement comments prior to proposing improvements to the section of

Bristol Bridge junction changes

Proposed changes to the junction of Bristol Bridge and Baldwin Street will shortly come to Bristol City Council Cabinet for approval to put them forward for WECA (West of England Combined Authority) funding. The changes are being motivated by the need to replace the current signals at this junction, which are nearing the end of

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