Bristol Bugbears

Bristol City Council has some money to make small improvements to walking and cycling routes. Fixing small things can make a big difference – bugbears are the small irritating things that hinder your walking through Bristol. It could be roads that could be made safer, missing signage, overgrown paths, uneven surfaces, obstacles or potholes.

Action on pavement obstructions

Neighbourhood activists interested in enhancing their local environment will know that one of the main issues is the litter and obstacles left around by our neighbours. In particular, efforts to enhance the walking environment are sabotaged by people who allow their hedges to overwhelm the street, park their cars on pavements and corners and permanently

Mayoral candidates and the BWA pledge

The Bristol Walking Alliance has written to all mayoral candidates that we could identify. We asked them to support the BWA pledge: “I share the goal of the Bristol Walking Alliance to make Bristol the best city for walking in the world. I too want to create an environment for those on foot that is

Sub-regional planning

Bristol Walking Alliance (BWA) has commented on the Issues and Options consultation for the West of England sub-region’s Joint Spatial Plan and Joint Transport Study, which set out possible ways forward for the period to 2036 in the context of a projected housing need of 88,000 homes. This is a summary of our comments.

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