Author name: Roger Gimson

Reporting incidents when walking

Some BWA supporters have experienced close shaves or even personal injury when walking in areas where pedestrians should have priority. The statistics collected nationally on collisions only include those reported via the police – typically involving vehicles on roads. However, to make all routes safer, there needs to be better reporting of incidents of all […]

Walking and Neighbourhoods

On 15th November, 17 of us met at City Hall to exchange ideas on how walking can be supported and promoted through Neighbourhood Partnerships. With people attending from 10 of the 14 NPs, this showed that walking is seen as an important part of how we get around and interact with each other in neighbourhoods

Neighbourhood walking priorities.

At the Citywide Neighbourhood Partnership meeting last week, Carew Reynell and I led a short session that introduced the Bristol Walking Alliance. With six NPs already having joined the Alliance, and another imminent, the walking needs of our neighbourhoods are already a significant part of the work of the Alliance. During the session, we asked

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